How to feel your painful emotions and SET YOURSELF FREE

Marion Stone  Anxiety   How to feel your painful emotions and SET YOURSELF FREE

How to feel your painful emotions and SET YOURSELF FREE

How to release stuck emotions and feel inner-peace

What if I told you that the fear of feeling your painful emotions is actually worse than the emotions themselves?

This is what I personally discovered on my healing journey.  I was so terrified of what I might find, I just couldn’t ‘go down there‘.  So rather than feel the pain, I numbed the pain.

BUT ONCE I’D DARED TO FACE MY FEARS and release the associated emotions, I experienced the most profound inner peace. And once I’d experienced that, there was no turning back.

I have been on the most incredible journey of discovery; peeling back layer upon layer of emotional baggage, that has been suppressed in my cells for many, many years.  In fact, my whole life.


And recently I’ve had the deepest discovery so far..


Fear of rejection and abandonment, issues around betrayal and trust, were all triggered by a recent relationship break-up.  And let me tell you; these issues were HUGE and deeply wounding.  There would have been a time when I’d put on my best knickers, go out on the town and distract myself in boys, booze and boogying.


BLOG-anxiety-image-1But now I truly believe that you have to FEEL THE PAIN TO HEAL THE PAIN. 

Over a period of time, I allowed these painful emotions to wash over me like a tsunami, wave after wave crashing me to the shore.

And as this happened I asked myself “when have I felt these emotions before”?

Going back through all my past relationships I realised that I had experienced betrayal and rejection in all of them.  I went back to my very first relationship in which I was the betrayer and the rejector, and I released the guilt around that.

I went back into my corporate world and healed, and released the issues around betrayal, trust and rejection there.

Each layer of emotion became stronger and deeper, and as I released, I healed the associated memory until I got to my early childhood….and my birth.


I'd like to share my very, personal 'Aha'


20160423_153631Firstly I’d like to say that it is my belief; before we incarnate into physical form, we choose our life, and we choose the challenges and the lessons we are supposed to learn in this lifetime. 

With that, I’d like to say how deeply grateful I am for EVERYTHING that has happened to me and EVERYONE who has challenged me and triggered my painful experiences.

Without having experienced all the pain I would not have grown into the woman I am now, with such discernment and depth to my circumstances.  I also doubt I’d be living my true purpose in life.

As I allowed each emotion to wash through me I discovered the most PROFOUND REALISATION OF ALL; that my fear of rejection and abandonment, and my issues around trust originate from being adopted as a new born baby.

With that incredible insight, I opened up to release the deepest emotion of all and I completely surrendered to it, allowing myself to free fall into the most extraordinary experience of stillness, peace & Universal LOVE.

From deep within that space, I heard these words:

Your lesson has been learned

For years I’d dismissed the possibility that my adoption had anything to do with what I was going through and yet as I continued to process this insight, memories long forgotten, started revealing themselves to be healed.

I can not tell you how incredibly, wondrous and healing, insightful and powerful this whole process has been.

The Golden Nugget

What if your deepest darkest fears wanted to be released so that YOU could be set free?

What if, whatever is ‘down there’ wanted to be healed so that you could live your life to its fullest potential?

What if, you could release those emotions from your DNA and make profound shifts in your life?

Finally, I’d like to share with you that I actually found my birth mother who is the most beautiful lady, and I feel very blessed to have a wonderful relationship with her and my extended family.  I do realise that there isn’t always a happy ending to finding birth parents and I have deep compassion for those who haven’t been successful.

I would also like to offer my experience, support and guidance

I can tell you this though: Emotional Healing Therapy –  facing my fears, and acknowledging and releasing my suppressed emotions lead me through the deepest, most empowering healing process.

And now I feel free

Does any of what I’ve shared resonate with you?  Maybe you’re adopted and you’re trying to find the answers, or maybe you’re really ‘going through it’ and need compassionate support?  Maybe you want to free yourself but just don’t know how to?

Please click here to get in touch.  I would love to chat with you about Emotional Healing Therapy 

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